Friday, May 27, 2011

It's Quite Warm Today

We here in the high desert of southern Arizona are starting to feel the very warm days.  It's made it up to 92 and I'm needing to make sure my garden gets plenty to drink.

I was out for awhile this afternoon and when I got home the poor
flowers were quite thirsty.

I am really staying on top of the watering as this heat 
does them in fast if I don't.

The hummers enjoy the garden also!!

The Victorians so loved their gardens also and brought
gardening to new heights!

"After all what is a garden for?  It is for delight, for 
sweet solace, for the purest of all human pleasures, the 
greatest refreshment of the spirits of men, it is to promote
juncundite of minde: it is to call home over-wearied spirits. 
So say the old writers, and we cannot ament their words, which
will stand as long as there are gardens on earth
and people to love them."

Gertrude Jekyll,  July 1896

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